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CDE 1.1: Remote Procedure Call
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group

Portable Character Set

The portable character set specifies a set of characters that conforming implementations must support. Implementation must be able to encode these characters with the IDL char data type, but this document does not specify local encodings.

NDR supports two encodings of characters from the portable character set: ASCII and EBCDIC.

Portable Character Set NDR Encodings specifies the NDR encodings in hexadecimal notation.

This table presents only the default conversions. Due to the existence of multiple local variants of EBCDIC, a system manager may provide ASCII/EBCDIC translation tables other than the default.

Characters outside of the Portable Character Set (PCS) are also converted. Special attention should be given to characters outside the PCS because different semantics may be used by applications in different systems. For example, a linefeed character on an EBCDIC system may have different semantics from the linefeed character on an ASCII system since some applications on an ASCII system may take the linefeed character to mean a combination of linefeed and carriage return.

(SP) 20 40 @ 40 7c ` 60 79_
    21 4f A 41 c1 a 61
" 22 7f B 42 c2 b 62 82
# 23 7b C 43 c3 c 63 83
$ 24 5b D 44 c4 d 64 84
% 25 6c E 45 c5 e 65 85
& 26 50 F 46 c6 f 66 86
' 27 7d G 47 c7 g 67 87
( 28 4d H 48 c8 h 68 88
) 29 5d I 49 c9 i 69 89
* 2a 5c J 4a d1 j 6a 91
+ 2b 4e K 4b d2 k 6b 92
, 2c 6b L 4c d3 l 6c 93
- 2d 60 M 4d d4 m 6d 94
/ 2f 61 O 4f d6 o 6f 96
0 30 f0 P 50 d7 p 70 97
1 31 f1 Q 51 d8 q 71 98
2 32 f2 R 52 d9 r 72 99
3 33 f3 S 53 e2 s 73 a2
4 34 f4 T 54 e3 t 74 a3
5 35 f5 U 55 e4 u 75 a4
6 36 f6 V 56 e5 v 76 a5
7 37 f7 W 57 e6 w 77 a6
8 38 f8 X 58 e7 x 78 a7
9 39 f9 Y 59 e8 y 79 a8
: 3a 7a Z 5a e9 z 7a a9
; 3b 5e [ 5b 4a { 7b c0
< 3c 4c \ 5c e0 | 7c bb
= 3d 7e ] 5d 5a } 7d d0
> 3e 6e ^ 5e 5f ~ 7e a1
? 3f 6f _ 5f 6d  

Table: Portable Character Set NDR Encodings

Please note that the html version of this specification may contain formatting aberrations. The definitive version is available as an electronic publication on CD-ROM from The Open Group.

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