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CDE 1.1: Remote Procedure Call
Copyright © 1997 The Open Group

Remote Management Interface

Servers implicitly make available a set of remote management operations which are accessible to applications via rpc_mgmt_*() API calls. To support these operations in an interoperable manner, servers must export the remote management interface specified in this appendix. This appendix makes use of data types defined in IDL Data Type Declarations .

[uuid(afa8bd80-7d8a-11c9-bef4-08002b102989), version(1)] 

interface mgmt
import "dce/rpctypes.idl";

 * R P C _ _ M G M T _ I N Q _ I F _ I D S

void rpc__mgmt_inq_if_ids
    [in]        handle_t                binding_handle,
    [out]       rpc_if_id_vector_p_t    *if_id_vector,
    [out]       error_status_t          *status

 * R P C _ _ M G M T _ I N Q _ S T A T S

void rpc__mgmt_inq_stats
    [in]        handle_t                binding_handle,
    [in, out]   unsigned32              *count,
    [out, size_is (*count)] unsigned32  statistics[*],
    [out]       error_status_t          *status

 * R P C _ _ M G M T _ I S _ S E R V E R _ L I S T E N I N G

boolean32 rpc__mgmt_is_server_listening
    [in]        handle_t                binding_handle,
    [out]       error_status_t          *status

 * R P C _ _ M G M T _ S T O P _ S E R V E R _ L I S T E N I N G

void rpc__mgmt_stop_server_listening
    [in]        handle_t                binding_handle,
    [out]       error_status_t          *status

 * R P C _ _ M G M T _ I N Q _ P R I N C _ N A M E

void rpc__mgmt_inq_princ_name
    [in]        handle_t                binding_handle,
    [in]        unsigned32              authn_proto,
    [in]        unsigned32              princ_name_size,
    [out, string, size_is(princ_name_size)]       
                char                    princ_name[],
    [out]       error_status_t          *status


Please note that the html version of this specification may contain formatting aberrations. The definitive version is available as an electronic publication on CD-ROM from The Open Group.

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