Real-time testing of steel strip welds based on bayesian decision theory (bibtex)
by Julio Molleda, Daniel Fernando García, Juan Carlos Granda and Francisco José Suárez
Real-time testing of steel strip welds based on bayesian decision theory (Julio Molleda, Daniel Fernando García, Juan Carlos Granda and Francisco José Suárez), In World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, volume 1, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
	author = {Julio Molleda and Daniel Fernando García and Juan Carlos Granda and Francisco José Suárez},
	title = {Real-time testing of steel strip welds based on bayesian decision theory},
	journal = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology},
	year = {2007},
	pages = {744-749},
	volume  = {1},
    number    = {12},	
	author+an = {3=highlight},
	month = aug,	
	issn = {2010-376X},
	file      = {revistas/molleda2007was.pdf}
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