Linux based embedded node for capturing, compression and streaming of digital audio and video (bibtex)
by Francisco José Suárez, Juan Carlos Granda, Julio Molleda and Daniel Fernando García
Linux based embedded node for capturing, compression and streaming of digital audio and video (Francisco José Suárez, Juan Carlos Granda, Julio Molleda and Daniel Fernando García), In World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, volume 1, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Francisco José Suárez and Juan Carlos Granda and Julio Molleda and Daniel Fernando García},
  title     = {Linux based embedded node for capturing, compression and streaming of digital audio and video},
  journal = {World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {3926-3931},
  volume  = {1},
  number    = {12},	
  month     = aug,
  author+an = {2=highlight},
  issn = {2010-376X},
  file      = {revistas/suarez2007was.pdf}
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