Temperature measurement of molten pig iron with slag characterization and detection using infrared computer vision (bibtex)
by Rubén Usamentiaga, Julio Molleda, Daniel Fernando García, Juan Carlos Granda and José Luis Rendueles
Accurate temperature measurement in industrial environments is as important as it is challenging. Precise control over temperature measurement is crucial when processing metals, such as iron or steel, where temperature monitoring is critical to productivity and product quality. In the steel manufacturing process, temperature measurement of molten pig iron is particularly important, as it is a required parameter of the physical models used to control operations in steel furnaces. However, measuring the temperature of molten pig iron is not an easy task. Conventional methods using thermocouples or pyrometers present serious drawbacks which limit their applicability and do not provide accurate measurements. In this paper, an infrared computer vision system is proposed to measure the temperature of molten pig iron while it is being poured. The proposed system confronts two challenges: The stream must be detected in the infrared images, and the slag, which can partially cover the stream of molten pig iron, must be detected and removed from the stream. Fast, robust, and accurate methods are proposed. A calibration procedure for the emissivity of the molten pig iron and for the temperature level is also proposed and applied. This procedure makes it possible to differentiate molten pig iron from slag in the stream. Tests indicate that the results meet production needs. 2012 IEEE.
Temperature measurement of molten pig iron with slag characterization and detection using infrared computer vision (Rubén Usamentiaga, Julio Molleda, Daniel Fernando García, Juan Carlos Granda and José Luis Rendueles), In IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, volume 61, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
  author       = {Rubén Usamentiaga and Julio Molleda and Daniel Fernando García and Juan Carlos Granda and José Luis Rendueles},
  title        = {Temperature measurement of molten pig iron with slag characterization and detection using infrared computer vision},
  volume       = {61},
  number       = {5},
  pages        = {1149--1159},
  issn         = {0018-9456},
  abstract     = {Accurate temperature measurement in industrial environments is as important as it is challenging. Precise control over temperature measurement is crucial when processing metals, such as iron or steel, where temperature monitoring is critical to productivity and product quality. In the steel manufacturing process, temperature measurement of molten pig iron is particularly important, as it is a required parameter of the physical models used to control operations in steel furnaces. However, measuring the temperature of molten pig iron is not an easy task. Conventional methods using thermocouples or pyrometers present serious drawbacks which limit their applicability and do not provide accurate measurements. In this paper, an infrared computer vision system is proposed to measure the temperature of molten pig iron while it is being poured. The proposed system confronts two challenges: The stream must be detected in the infrared images, and the slag, which can partially cover the stream of molten pig iron, must be detected and removed from the stream. Fast, robust, and accurate methods are proposed. A calibration procedure for the emissivity of the molten pig iron and for the temperature level is also proposed and applied. This procedure makes it possible to differentiate molten pig iron from slag in the stream. Tests indicate that the results meet production needs. 2012 {IEEE}.},
  author+an    = {4=highlight},
  date         = {2012},
  year         = {2012},
  doi          = {10.1109/TIM.2011.2178675},
  journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement},
  keywords     = {Accurate measurement, Calibration procedure, Computer vision, Computer vision system, Control operations, Conventional methods, Industrial environments, Infrared computer vision, Infrared images, Infrared imaging, Models, molten pig iron, Physical model, Pig iron, Precise control, Product quality, slag detection, Slags, Steel manufacturing process, Temperature level, temperature measurement, Temperature monitoring, Thermocouples, Torpedo car, torpedo car temperature},
  shortjournal = {{IEEE} Trans. Instrum. Meas.},
  url          = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84859806520&doi=10.1109%2fTIM.2011.2178675&partnerID=40&md5=e081038285c4a442dee3546c7b2e706c},
  jcr          = {1.357 -- Q2 [2012]},
  file         = {revistas/usamentiaga2012tim.pdf}
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