An IoT platform for indoor air quality monitoring using the Web of things (bibtex)
by Daniel Ibaseta, Julio Molleda, Fidel Díez and Juan Carlos Granda
An IoT platform for indoor air quality monitoring using the Web of things (Daniel Ibaseta, Julio Molleda, Fidel Díez and Juan Carlos Granda), In WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, volume 236, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Daniel Ibaseta and Julio Molleda and Fidel Díez and Juan Carlos Granda},
  title     = {An {IoT} platform for indoor air quality monitoring using the {Web of things}},
  journal   = {WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment},
  year      = {2019},
  volume    = {236},
  pages     = {45--56},
  issn      = {1743-3541},
  doi       = {10.2495/AIR190051},
  author+an = {4=highlight},
  owner     = {jcgranda},
  timestamp = {2019.09.16},
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